Peter-John Stols

I’m Peter-John Stols, the dog behaviorist and lead trainer at WHYZDOG Dog Behaviour Consulting & Training. I firmly believe that there are no naughty dogs, just misunderstood ones. With my sons Jonathan and Kevin by my side, we bring over 30 years of experience to our training methods. Our journey began with Trojan, a lively Great Dane/Bull Mastiff puppy, sparking our passion for understanding and training dogs. From basic obedience to advanced protection, we’ve dedicated ourselves to nurturing every dog’s potential. Join us at WHYZDOG, where we empower dogs and their owners with compassion and expertise.

I am willing to do house calls
Welcome to WhyzDog Dog Behaviour Consulting & Training, where we prioritize empowering dog owners. We recognize that the key to effective training lies in educating humans. Our dedicated team focuses on teaching essential skills and understanding, bridging the gap between canines and their caregivers. By empowering humans to address behavioral challenges and establish meaningful connections, we create harmonious homes where both dogs and owners flourish. Join us in nurturing these lifelong bonds and transforming the way we understand and interact with our canine companions.

Read My Articles

Feral Cat Management: Approaches to Helping Stray Cats

Feral Cat Management: Strategies for managing feral cat colonies and advocating for trap-neuter-return programs. Feral

The Vital Role in Cat Health and Population Control

Spaying and Neutering: Exploring the importance of spaying and neutering cats to control the feline

Caring for Senior Pets: Common Challenges and Solutions

As our pets age, their needs change, and they may require extra care and attention.


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